Astronomy, Geography, Band Music, JAZz!, Hockey, Tennis, Swimming, Cycling, Trekking, Camping, Shakespeare, Donne, Coleridge, Fairytales, BOOKS!!, mountain-climbing, journalism, Middle-eastern Affairs, Bharanatyam, Castles, MaRs, Philosophy, Theology etc.
Symphonic Overture, Seventh Night of July, Harry Connick Jr., Punk, LunaSea-I For You, Jazz, X-Japan, Rock, John Williams, Guns & Roses, Something Corporate, Scorpions, BonJovi, Cheb Mami's Desert Rose, Arabic Music.
Enid Blyton's Faraway Tree & The Wishing Chair, Harry Potter Series, Sophie's World, My Fairytales!, Brother Grimms, The Arabian Nights, The Man in the Moon and the Hot-Air Balloon by David Delamare, Lexus & Olive Tree, etc