Here's what people are saying about SOGGY POTATO CHIPS
"completey digging your tracks"
"this is cooL!"
"I'd hit it"
-darkNES of The Gothsicles
"You're an odd little thing."
"You have a song about being cold"
"it doesn't sound like suck."
-ShoEboX of Worm Quartet
"Send that one in to Dr. D!"
-DJ Particle
"Are you a musician?"
-Art Paul
"I am a fan of 'This Song'"
"In like a year, you're gonna be really great"
-Eric Coleman
"Keep doing what you're doing"
-Power Salad
"Pretty good for a first attempt"
-devospice of Sudden Death
"It was different"
-Derwood Bowen
"Sorry I missed your show"
-Luke Ski
"i like it"
"[Stuff I occasionally find in my email inbox] sucks a whole lot more than Alchav"
-Blasted Bill
"It's not a tumor!"
-Arnold Schwarzenegger
"Very amusing premise, done pretty well, but...(blah blah blah)..."
-The Almighty Nateboi
"Now we shall see who enjoys it the most!"
-George Washington
-Happy Steve