Just Plain Folks
Worldwide Music CommunityWe are a community of over 40,000 Songwriters, Recording Artists, Music Publishers, Record Labels, Performing Arts Societies, Educational Institutions, Recording Studios and Engineers, Producers, Legal Professionals, Publicists and Journalists, Publications, Music Manufacturers and Retailers and about every other type of member of the Music Industry. Grass roots, no dues or fees to join. Chapter meetings alternate between networking/showcases/critiques, and networking/workshops. We are glad to have you with us, and our Motto is....We're all in this together!
To Join Just Plain Folks/Orange County:
100% Free and Open to all!
Email the OC Chapter Coordinator Linda at [email protected] to add your name to the member list! (All member information is kept strictly confidential and is never shared)!
We meet monthly in Orange County, CA, as well as have showcases and events! Signing up on the member list will let you receive the member newsletter with all meeting and showcase information!All meetings, events, showcases, etc. are open to all members - you can participate as much or as little as you like!
You can submit your news/show information for inclusion in the member newsletter!
You can meet and network with some great local songwriters and guest speakers from the music industry!