This group started to make music in the beginning of 1997.
The band and project splittet to be reunited ten years later in the beginning of 2007. This Group isn´t a terroristic one (for those who don´t understand the artistic meaning of Apollo Zapata´s masking), but it can be understood as a provocation on the occidental mood of fear. Themes of the ThrillColumn are critical reflections of modern political mass system that influences conciously the mass consciousness in the so called modern society. The object isn´t terroristic material destruction but the destruction of one´s own gaining illusioned constructed ego to give rebirth to values, that are far away from hate and animalistic social-darwinistic competition .. so underground, baby. Hip Hop in the beginnings was an art of critical expression. Now you hear to say "Hip Hop is dead" and that´s right when you watch your tel-a-vision and you see most of the Hip Hop-Groups dancin like boygroups ,talkin about the great of money and kapitalism, that steers to an implosion of the planet. Yeah!!! So cool, man.
Go back to your roots, man! I´m out for now.
"And than he sad
The greatest thing
is to love
and to be loved
in return."(from Nature Boy by Nat King Cole)
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