I am me, what else am i supposed to say, lol. ^_^
I don't label myself but my clothing style would be closer to the Cyber/Goth area, that is when i dress up.
Otherwise i like comfy clothes, computer lounging, energy drinks, and going out without any make-up.
I <3 anime long time- IN THE FACE. I'm 19 and have 3 piercings in each ear, one pair stretched to 5/8in, and my lip (2) and nose pierced.
Short hair for now, and will color that shortly ^_^
Vegetarian for two years now!
*he he Hentai*
*Goth/Cyber/Japanese Fashion ^_^*
*Love of any kind*
*My 6 3/4" tall platform boots ^_^*
*Feeling tall*
*Feeling short*
*My friends*
*Lolita clothing*
*Eyeliner ^_^*
*Sparing with guys*
*Crawling in bed with Howard with cold feet, lol*
*Costume Make-up 0.o*
*Closed mindedness*
*Being hit on by middle age geeks when i'm dressed up*
*Being hit on by middle age men-period*
*Country Music*
*Not being able to find a job*
*being out of school*
Megan Dempsey's birth date says this about them:You are the rebel with a relentlessly restless nature. Smart but when unleashed, you tend to seek out exotic experiences over new ideas. People are sometimes flustered by your great potential, but you love your unconventional life. You're a heartbreaker, though not always knowingly. People get attached to you, and then you move on.
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