Midnight Industrial Estate-CDR-£6.00
18.5 minutes past 8
Welcome to the Midnight Industrial Estate. Collect your Time card from the booth on entry and be sure to clock in and out. This site lies within a magnetic field, any questions you have will be answered telepathically. This is a place dedicated to sound and vision, you must look, and you must listen.
The opening times are: 5 minutes past sunset, to 10 minutes to sunrise. Umbrellas are issued at midnight, but only to those visitors standing still, with one arm raised and their hand clasped in a loose fist.
To maintain equilibrium within the estate, please observe the "rule of odd". That is to keep the number of visitors at any one time to a constant odd number.
Your magnetic key and how to use it.
A selection of ink drawings from a series of 62 and counting. Made using the Roberson penman ink range, and the exquisite Prouts brown and French sepia inks. Drawn with Brause nibs in a marbled handle.