Enjoyin life with friends and family ! Dont mind a cheeky drink here and ther ! Love travelling meetin new people ! Love banter with a passion !! !
The person who invented economy on long haul flights , especially QANTAS ! ! Also the air host who woke me up 4 crappy food when i had finally drifted off after 16 hours , then ran off ! ! Tara Reid 4 a night out drinkin shots together , and last 1 standin does a naked run ! ! Also i would like to meet the person who; when i drop somethin always manages to hide it . . . . . . . things such as remote controls and money and my mobile phone in bed ! ! A 25 year old mrs with ginger hair , green eyes , a tan , can cook a perfect boiled egg , plays pro evo , can surf , understands off side and does not smoke ! ! ! Finally would like to meet Ricky Bobby , Chris Waddle the Tax man and Rebecca Lipsett , honestly never seen any 1 as sexy do a whip before ! !
Im a funky rare groove man with soul fever and 4 me lyrics in songs mean everything to me ! .......................
Gladiator , Man On Fire , Usual Suspects ,
Dream Team ha !
Love a cheeky bit of poetry !
DONT EVER QUIT !!When things go wrong as they sometimes will ; When the road ur trudging seems all uphill ; When funds r low and debts r high and u want to smile but u hav to sigh ; When care is pressing u down a bit , rest , if u must , but do not quit. Life is strange with its twists and turns , as every one of us has to learn , And many a failure turns about , when they might hav won had they stuck it out . Dont give up though the pace seems slow, U may succeed with another blow . Success is failure turned inside out , the silver tint of the cloud of doubt. U can never tell how close u r , it may be near when it seems so far . So stick to the fight when ur hardest hit, Its when things seem worst u must not quit ! ! !The Young Walshdog ! ! !