I Love Life. Last years i am awaking. I feel this life more and more and i want to realize me. Perfect health
of my body, happy and joyful soul, conscious and creative spirit - this is standard, natural. This is real human. Yes, we are ecstatic bliss being and are in the space of love.Just want to. Just now.
I am raw foodist, exactly fruits foodist. It is not only about food, it is about life. I Love Life and so i eat, feel, think, live, create Loving Life.
I am living in Czech Republic. I'm studying at Charles University in Prag. At Faculty of Arts: Social and cultural ecology.
We want to create kin eco-village. Anastasia is talking about this revolutionary idea.
Ecstatic Bliss Being every moment. That is it. Love and Consciousness, then do what YOU want, because then you are Love and Consciousness too... No higher I, now lower Ego, just You.
If you speak czech, you can visit my czech web page: Poznej sam sebe .
What makes me ecstatic blissful:
1. Anastasia Revolution (wow, it changes your consiousness, it awakes you Soul, however kin estates - one hectare for every family...). Look for books from Vladimir Megre.
2. Shazzie Revolution (raw food, "love, life & liberty", ecstatic bliss...). Looks for really woman, their Power of Love and be inspired.
3. Time Revolution (Time, Mayan, 13 Moon Calender, 2012 Peace Plan, 7 Spirits - Archangels of the Ages and their synchronizic order and synchronicity...). Look for lawoftime.com and sophia.sk.
4. Ascension (3D is Newton's and Descartes's space-time, 4D is Einsteins's time in space, 5D is behind space-time - energy of conscious mind; and ascension is way from 3D to 5D. Through time (that is "end of the time", woow so simply).
5. Love and Light (you can feel it, you can know it, you can conscious be it).
The man who planted trees, a story by Jean Giono (Frederic Back, 1987).