HeY ChanTAl hAS BeEn hacKeD BY LiL mIsS NAsTy oN 4/2/08 AT 2:30 WelL wA caN I SAy BoUt tHIZ HyNA rItE HeRe sHeS PrEtTY DoWn tO KIk iT WiTh wE havE a PrEtTY dOWN ASS TiME wHeN wE KiK iT We might HAVe oUr uP anD dOwNs bUt We StIlL sTiCk tOgEtheR....We haVe gReaT LauGh WiTh eAcH anD sHyt im ALWaYs gOnna Be hErE 4 THIz hYNA I LLoVe HeRe tIll deAtH wElL YeAh lAtE LoVe yOOH loTZ♥lIl MIsS NAStY ♥
found this stars layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotCommentsHi!!! everybody my name is Chantal Escalante I go to Frank I have two brothers Tony and Mario they play soccer so in our family it is all about soccer.I love my friends they are so cool.so when i am not at school or in a soccer game i am with my friends Ashley, sussie or i am with my cousin lily. AT school i am with crystal Estrella Monica Sinfo or Dulce they are the coolest friend.so enough talking about my life if you want to know more about me message me and we could talk!!!!!http://www.youube.com/wa
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