Get Your Sexy Name
ME !!!
About You...
Age: 19
Birthplace: Ft Pierce
Current Location: Port st Lucie
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5'2
Heritage: Haitian to the Mutha Fuckin Peak
Your fears: Heights
Your weakness: love poems
Goal for today: making it back home safe
Goal for this year: making some Moola
Lifetime goal: Being successful,and not dealing with a broke ass sorry ass good for nothing loser.
When do you want to get married?: 25
and to whom?: Secret
Ever been in love?: yep
Currently in love?: maybe
Do you think you are attractive?: yeah, but do you?
Your best physical feature: My Butt
Have you ever...
eaten Sushi...: yes
gone skinny dipping...: yeah
been beaten up...: hard to believe but yeah
wanted to kill someone...: no
gone a week without MySpace...: no
gone a week without TV...: no
Who's the last person to...
kiss you...: pop
say hi to you...: Some weirdo sitting next to me
talk to you...: Crystal
Take this survey now!