sALinA profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

weLL..not much 2 say bout jUx an OrdinaRy gal who to speNd my tIme hangin wif My ...::FaRa::LiNi::aRin::mIza::BibiEs::BuI::rEdza.. MmuAcs aLL~~nOw im cuRRently studying In a smAll 'tOwn' caLLed doin ^^whoaa...n my life bcOme damn hectic wif LOads of aSsignmenTzzzz and Projects needed 2 be cOmpleted^^heh..tyPical stewdents life,aight? im KInda unpRedictable..i can talk all daY Long Non-SToP!! but in the Otha haNd..i caN Spend my Day wiThout even SaY a word..heh..PeEPS..U shoulda believe dis~~Soo...wanna be my FrEn?

My Interests

..............dis list can reaLLy goes long..coz i haf lotsa INteresT!!

I'd like to meet:

I reAlly miSS My Long Lost FwEns!!..Hope i Can CatCh uP wif Ya guYs SumDay..


A WaLk 2 RemEmbEr..SeREndiPity..My SaSsY gAL..SkOoL oF RaWk..TRauMa..


ChArMed..FeaR FactOr..BeAutiFuL LifE~~


Numerical MethoDs..TheRmoDyNamics...FLuid MecHanics..CHemicaL pRoceSS..HeAt&Mass TrAnsFer..pHysIcal i still haf time to read otha books huh?


it MUst b PRopHet MUHAMMAD S.A.W

My Blog

dA gAmes Of LiFe...

1.The spaces between our fingers were created so that another person's fingers can fill them in. 2. Funny how we set qualifications for the right person to love while at the back of our minds we kn...
Posted by sALinA on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

~fOrEveR anD fOr aLwaYs~

"Forever And For Always" In your arms I can still feel the way you want me when you hold me I can still hear the words you whispered when you told me I can stay right here forever in your arms ...
Posted by sALinA on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST