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Eva Lege

About Me

Originaire de Nantes, je suis danseuse et professeur de danse contemporaine. J'ai etudie la technique Limon, Cunningham et Trisha Brown en France et aux Etats Unis. J'ai egalement ete a la " Graham school" pendant un an. Je danse desormais dans la Cie "JAMAA" pour des festivals. J'aime dessiner, la Bretagne son paysage et ses legendes, l'art de la rue, Bjork et le bon vin!I'm a professional dancer, and dance teacher living in Paris. I learned the Limon and Cunningham and trisha Brown technique in France and USA(NY) and i was also in the Graham school for one year . I dance now in a Cie "JAMAA" for festivals. I like drawing as a hobby, Brittany(west cost of france) the country and the legends, the street art, Bjork and the good wine!

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Member Since: 11/01/2007
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Record Label: Unsigned

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