Site under contructionThis is a fan site and not affiliated with any members of Aggression Core.Discography:
Dead God EP - 1995
Aggression Core - 2000
Victim or Enemy - 2002 Review from Chronicles of Chaos here .
The statement by founding member Dale Pucket regarding his discharge from the line-up can be read on here .
Read the interview with Curran Murphy by here .
Past members' current projects:
Dale Puckett: Solace in Black and Agony of Deceit
Andy Conniff: Solace in Black
James King: American Wrecking Co.
Jeff Bloomfield: American Wrecking Co.
Jeff Kido: MurMur
Curran Murphy: Shatter Messiah
Eric Close: In Memorium and Cast Down
Jimme Wagley: Cast Down
John Winters: Hatefist
Richie Sather: Hatefist