KODER BROWN profile picture


About Me

Houston, Texas we have a problem. The talented MC, Songwriter, Producer, Engineer, CEO and founder of the independent record label Capture Music Group continues to work towards building a music dynasty consisting of both talented rappers and singers. Koder’s inspiration for hip-hop came to light at an early age when noticing how powerful music is as an art. He began to engage in simultaneous rhyming, complicated rhyme schemes, style switching, reading books such as the bible, dictionary, thesaurus, and researching the world all to perfect the craft of music. His lyrics are based on intelligent wordplay, stunning metaphors and cunning street knowledge while still carrying a message. The profound lyricist focuses his lyrical image on everything from capturing all lifestyles instead of focusing on a particular audience. Through his music he wants to cross social boundaries as well as bringing good music back to the industry. Koder is by far one of the best artists in the nation, and his street buzz is immaculate. On a television appearance interview he was asked a question to speak on the subject failure and the kid replied with a swaggering statement:” I never heard of it…” What makes him so Unique? Only one word can segregate him from unsuccessful musicians and that is destiny. With hard work and dedication flowing threw his veins he developed the mind of a young entrepreneur at the beginning of his career with an extravagant blueprint. Once he founded CMG, the rest was history. CMG has an upper-class recording studio, recording artists, beat producers and is a well established record company making a bold mark in the music industry due to great ownership. He always states:” I thank God for being smart enough to realize I had to get my own studio built, learn how to operate the equipment so I can record at anytime, any day without waiting on anyone because people will let you down in life, and since I have everything I need to be successful in the music industry who can stop me now besides God?” Then he says” Nobody”. With his solo debut mixtape to the world which was self-explanatory titled ”Give Me My Respect” and that’s exactly what he means when selling over 100,000 plus copies without the backing of a major deal. This isn't just any ordinary rapper. When it comes to hit making his songs are on a consistent scale of keeping hip hop alive. Without a doubt, Koder is one of the hottest artist in the world coming to make a title of being the greatest of all time.Interview

My Interests


Member Since: 10/01/2007
Band Website: CaptureMusicGroup.Com(Coming Soon...)
Band Members: Capture Music Group


CMG Merchandise

Give Me My Respect


Sounds Like: CMG TV
Shorty Gets Down - Five Doza feat. Mr.Kaila and Sun of Sam

Record Label: Capture Music Group/CEO
Type of Label: Indie

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