SPRINKLEZ profile picture


Spring Fashion is the new Winter

About Me

We are the band SPRINKLEZ"
Currently presenting "live", first time played recordings, of what 50 plus hours we've recorded during our sessions. It represents the freedom from band format, and improv open-ness, without the sonic gimmicks or noise excuses so often presented as Psyche rock. This myspace music was just picked at random. Captured and represented as-is, while record buttons were at our disposal, and the 3 of us having fun.
(snore) That said.....our proper first offerings that are forthcoming will introduce the more defined dance happyness we wish to exercise as discipline performers, and hope to witness in front of us. I am a hacker, this page is dumb, and you should not waste your time with these "Brooklyn" "bands". There all the same. Well, time for math class.
"Freddie's Still Dead"
is done by SPRINKLEZ, without any memory or recollection whatsoever, and will be up for a limited time when you order now. Only 2 minutes long, and yours to download for, like, ever. Shipping and man-handling required.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/10/2007
Band Website: sprinklezmusic.com/
Band Members: We are three
Mattley Mountain
Olaf Olson
Treb Tone

Influences: Love, Like, Lay-abouts, Libations, Loafers, Lido shuffle, Lips, Latin Lovers, Left-overs, Lap Dance, Leaves, Loot, Lust, Lake Superior, Lacrosse, Low Riders, Long Legs, Lalalalala, Lubricant, Lasers, Ladies, Look at Me, Lunch Break, Let's go!!!
Sounds Like: Watermelon soup.
Record Label: Innerlobe
Type of Label: None

My Blog

haiku about my day...

Mattley's day:try to find out whyinside, the answer will lielaugh, learn, cry, try, sigh__________
Posted by SPRINKLEZ on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:40:00 PST