{}Hey this is Rachel Mazza. -- welcome to my myspace page!~ ~ My passion is traveling the world helping ambitious people like yourself to build MASSIVE success.Give me a shout if you'd like to earn an extra paycheck every week.
~ I'm looking for cool, real, chill, people to add to my amoeba of friends. People who like food, culture, movies, travel and becoming wildly successful.KEEP IT ROCKIN'!
www.RachelMazza.netMY INTERESTStravel, movies, personal development, Meeting New People, learning about new cultures, exploring new foods, surfing the internet, singing, building tribes, entrepreneurship, reading, web 2.0, culture, freedomSome of the best experiences I've had:
~ Learning the ins and outs of Chicago nightlife industry
~ Jumping off the end of Hawaii into the Pacific to stare across toward California
~ Four-wheeling the sand dunes on the coast of Los Cabos,
~ Driving down the entire coast of California to Mexico
~ Watching the boat drive away while sitting stranded on an island in sea of cortez -- and loving it.
~ Swimming with wild sea lions 3 miles off the coast of Mexico.
~ to be continued..
One of my favorite things in the world is when you're driving down the road and something spooks a huge flock of birds and they all take off at once. It is breathtaking.
You have been marked on my profile map!
"I'm pretty sure dreams are just your brain on autopilot without a license to fly."
~~ Boco/Ryan ~~
"If you must speak ill of another, do not speak it, write it in the sand near the water's edge."
-Napoleon Hill
"Music is NOT A GAME. If you treat is as a game, it will always be just a hobby"
~Ken Paoli~
"Naan is like a napkin that you can eat!"
-Steve Keiser
Sometimes things just spill out incessantly.....usually it's better if it happens in words.
"Insanity: doing the same thin g over and over again and expecting different results."
-Albert Einstein
"You're crazy! I really think you're going 'round the bend!"
"Great! I've always wanted to travel."
-Shirley Valentine
"It's better to regret something you have done, rather than something you haven't done."
~I LIVE by these words~