Steamrolled Fetus profile picture

Steamrolled Fetus

About Me

OK, for all who know this band has a long history. You want it ask, or otherwise fuck off. All you need to Know is we take the worst of TXDM, mix in a little Grind, a dash of porn, and a main course of child hatred and Wah Lah, some sick music. A-Wizz & J-Wizz have finally decided to grace ya'll with some recorded tunes. The new EP will be out shortly, on Something Rare Records. The full length will be out by Sept '09 hopefully. Hit us up for info or fuck off. Grind till death little kids!!!!

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My Interests


Member Since: 10/01/2007
Band Members: A-WiZZ: Guitar,Bass,Child mutilation, Halloween Skeetin, and the best recipe for embro glazed placenta-bobs.J-WiZZ: Vox, Drum Programing, and loving(raping), caring(lynching), fathering for retarded mixed gendered children.
Influences: Anyone who knows, has always changed, but the originals stay the same, Cock And Ball Torture, Cannibals Turd, Carcass, Prophecy, Devourment, Cheesecake Warriors, Vomitron, Grinded NIgg, Victimas, and more recently the sick as brutality of Goremonger, Cemetery Rapist, the legendary Sinworm, Diahhria of the Mouth, and our texas favs.. CREOPHAGY
Sounds Like: fetal matter, transmutating into lyrical anomalies and grinding string theories, PUNKS!
Record Label: Pretty Rare Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Track to be posted in a few days

Yeah yeah i know,  I said the ep should have been out by now, what can i say were alcoholics and have jobs and other bands to worry about. We did finish some trax and i would have posted em by now but...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Jun 2009 15:29:00 GMT


Had the first recording session last night while getting hammered drunk. Worked on the drum tracks and the guitar riffs for the track OVARIAN AUTOPSY(working tittle). Did some runs through on the voca...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jan 2009 11:20:00 GMT