c h r i s profile picture

c h r i s


About Me

like: anti-climactic stories, v-neck tees that expose taco meat, scientology discussions that end in "fucked up." most of all my pepe le pew!!!
dislike: astrology, blogs of bad poetry, when people say "i started/brought back x word or y object."

i left my heart and underwear in les sables d'olonne.

My Interests

v-neck tees that expose taco meat.

I'd like to meet:

my beauty, on a glacier. my life begins when i step off the plane, and it ends when i step back on.






Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Charles Darwin

the giant squid

My Blog


Going to Paris again from Sept 13-Sept 24... pretty bomb.
Posted by c h r i s on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 01:15:00 PST


I will be in england in april for about a week.  Im very excited!  very!
Posted by c h r i s on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 10:54:00 PST

Paris for new years

i will be in paris for new years... where will YOU be? (if you are mark or manette, dont answer that).
Posted by c h r i s on Mon, 07 Nov 2005 01:21:00 PST

August and September, Im going to Peru and Chile

imma go to peru and chile from the end of august to the end of chile.  if youve been to either, please hit me up with suggestions on the two... or if your a nice boy from either ;)
Posted by c h r i s on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

my heart swells

last night i hurrrrd the best quirk: my friend stands under the shower when he's washing and fills his nose up with water, then sneezes it out... he used to do this as a child after he had gotten w...
Posted by c h r i s on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST