Wow! I've met many of the people I admire who are living still and who live in this land: Dr. Imari Obedele, Sonia Sanchez, Conrad Worill, Elaine Brown, Angela Davis, Bobby Seale, Maulana Karenga, Baba Hanibal Afrik and many more I can't remember now, with no disrespect to them.There is a plethora of international leaders that i would love to meet. Heads of states and the such: i would love to meet Kofi Anan, get him high and listen to some real stories about the UN. I would love to be a fly on the wall when someone calls Tiger Woods a nigger. I would even love to get in a boxing ring in a double-team matchup with Layla Ali as my partner against Bitchass Bush and Killanigger Cheney in an all out no glove cage fight.Right now, I'm in Law School, so my days are spent with highly philosophizing assholes who hide their racism behind intellectualism and Brain-dead Negroes who get offended when i wear traditional garb to class. So, in my freetime, I want to meet as many SANE Afrikans as I can. Meaning, Afrikans who know that they're Afrikans, who are un-ashamed that they're Afrikans, and who love being Afrikan as much as I do.