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Howdy! I'm Suzie and that's the only word that will ever be able to sum me up. I the kind of girl who will do something just for the sheer hell of doing it. I try not to pass on the oppertunity do do things because you never know if you'll get the chance again and life is to short to always be putting things off. People say I'm highly ambitious, but all I want is to be rich! I have 8 piercings and I intend on getting a tattoo when I can decide on the design I want!I want to learn another language. I have a major passion for art and design and I have an obscure obsession for PVA Glue. If I could have any job I would be an Astronaught. I WILL go into outer space one day. For now I run my own network marketing business. I tend not to care what people think of me because until people get to know me they shouldn't be passing judgements.I want to skydive.
I want to experience zero gravity.
I want to learn the Thriller Dance.
I want a Peugeot 206 CC :P
I want to go to the Maldives.
I want a picnic in Central Park.
I want to go White Water Rafting again.
I want to go ski-ing again.
I want to go to New York for a shopping spree again.
I want to be rich.
I want to be famous.
I want it all.I want to live forever...................so far, so good.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Johnny Depp ;p For obvious reasons lol
My Blog
What would you do if I.......
WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF: I committed suicide: I said I liked you: I kissed you: I lived next door to you: I started smoking: I stole something: I was hospitalized:&nbs... Posted by on Thu, 30 Aug 2007 15:31:00 GMT
I want to be an Astronaught!
'Good Afternoon ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to London Gatwick, the local time is five past one and the temperature is a warm and sunny 22oC.........'
It was 22oC at 7 in the morning out there in ... Posted by on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 14:29:00 GMT
Aaaaaggggggggghhhhhhhhh! Where's all the time going?! Time is going way to quickly and there's so much I want to be doing and it doesnt seem like I have done all that much!!! Well at least I'm not bor... Posted by on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 13:56:00 GMT
Life isn't like a box of chocolates.....
Lately I've been feeling confused.... I have know idea why but it just seems that life is what is so confusing to me. I know everyone thinks this and that I'm not the only one but in my mind lif... Posted by on Sun, 27 May 2007 17:53:00 GMT