Kevin S.O.S. Please read TODAY! profile picture

Kevin S.O.S. Please read TODAY!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hey, everyone. Just a quick note to all my friends that I will be officially moving my ass out to L.A. to make something better happen for myself. If you know my lil' bro Pat he's already out there making big shit happen and it's high time I did the same. I'll be leaving between October 25th and 27th, and should be arriving in L.A. on the 29th or 30th. If you live in the area please come check out my band Silent Rage for our final performances next weekend, Fri. the 19th and Sat. the 20th at Adobe Gila's at Pointe Orlando. It should be some good times as everyone will be making sure I'm sent off in style. Thanks to everyone for being such cool friends over the years, and maybe I'll get to come back and throw a big "I got a show on Cartoon Network and now it's time to Par-Tay" party. I'm sure I'll be back at some point 'cuz I always have loved Florida, but it's time to live somewhere that will actually have opportunities for a crazy mo-fo like myself. Make sure to drop a line or send a message! I'll do the same every now and again and keep everyone updated on here of all the cool stuff I'm up to. YARR!!!!

My Interests

I'm interested in a wide variety of things. I enjoy a vast spectrum of music (see music) and films (see movies). I thoroughly enjoy internet cartoons like Homestar Runner, Weebl and Bob, Foamy the Squirrel, Joe Cartoon, Arj and Poopy, Stinkytoons and the Xombie series to name a few. I think sites like will help open up the playing field for new animators and storytellers like myself.

I'd like to meet:

Jessica Alba. Oh, Yeah!View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment

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Anything that ROCKS!! By Rocks I mean music that has people playing instruments all at the same time. I absolutely HATE this looped beat garbage with lifted samples being called "hot" and "genius." Put some work into your music if you expect people to pay $20 for your CD, morons.


I have alot of movies. I've bought a ton, and I plan to buy a ton more. My taste varies, but I usually spit on chick flicks. Horror, comedy, SOME drama, and the Marvel movies are awesome.


62" widescreen with surround sound. I listen to everything LOUD. As far as television shows go I don't watch much, but Family Guy, American Dad, South Park and The Simpsons rock. Adult Swim is the bomb too. Yeah, I like cartoons. Big whoop, wanna' fight about it?


As if I have time, though Stephen King and Anne Rice gave me alot to think about when I was in high school.


Ron Jeremy, Strong Bad, The Weebl, Foamy the Squirrel and some guy named Ralph I gave a dollar to at the corner of Aloma and 436.