Jacob Griscom on Nonviolent Communication at T. Harv Eker's Master of Influence
About this video: Jacob Griscom was a featured speaker at T. Harv Eker's Peak Potentials: Master of Influence event. He spoke on compassionate communication (Nonviolent Communication as taught by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg) to the 600 in attendance.
I am the owner of the Peaceful Living Holistic Healthcare Center . My work has been to help people treat the root causes of disease. My mission is nothing short of reforming our modern medical system and supporting humanity to live in harmony with Nature to experience true deep health and peace.
After graduating from Prescott College with a degree in Sustainable Community Development, I took a position with BetterWorld Telecom, for their Northern California client development.
I'm married to the beautiful Sarah Griscom, and we have two dearly loved sons, Ethan (born 2003) and Elijah (born 2005). We live in the Sierra Nevada foothills.
I am a professional public speaker on the subjects of holistic health care and compassionate communication , and am on the teaching faculty for the California College of Ayurveda .