Snippovich profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm Snippan, also known as Annika. I grew up in Karlshamn, in the south of Sweden, but now I'm living and studying in Gothenburg. In three years I will be a brilliant teacher!!! it out!"

My Interests

Music, discussing important stuff, having a cup of tea with my friends and family and my dear cousin

I'd like to meet:

No one and anyone. No preferences.


Regina Spektor, Belle & Sebastian, Tingsek, Jack Jonson, Hello Saferide, Norah Jones....and my dear cousin


Min bok om Polen (My book about Poland)


don't really watch TV


my course literature...don't really have time for anything else at the moment...


Mom, and my dear cousin

My Blog

babies and bambarock

i mitt huvud just nuthea o elsa - universums sötaste bebisar o mina syskonbarnbambarock o annat röj - malmis och mitt barnlåtsprojekt är grymmare än grymmast!i think i like this city - japp ...
Posted by Snippovich on Wed, 09 May 2007 02:58:00 PST


bloggadet har jag aldrig gjort förrblogg bloggmmm det känns helt okejbloggbloggmmm det kanske jag gör om nån gång...
Posted by Snippovich on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 11:16:00 PST