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Add to My Profile | More VideosA SOUL-JAH- A Soul-Jah is a Lutonian writer, artist, poet, healer, and community project worker. He loves Kindred Ambitude in it's purest form, and gets this through his work with alternative and ambient music and various other arts. Of recent A Soul-Jah has set up small projects in the shape of 'A NEW VISION' and 'SERENDIPITY ISLAND' which both act as mediums (gateways) to self promotion, within various art-forms, for people with mental health issues.
Kindred Ambitude is Ambience with the slightest hint of Attitude (balance) and A Soul-Jah achieves this in working by making and playing music in an undemanding and non embarrassing enviroment for those who otherwise might not have a go. A Soul-Jah worked with some local artists, producers and musicians in 05' and 06' ( marga - local producer), (benjamin - local singer songwriter, producer.) (steve alger-local guitarist) (Gabbi procacchini-local guitarist, singer, songwriter) and ( DJ) A Soul-Jah managed to get some great early demo's down, and the tracks are all in great form, really conscious and warm! Some of the tracks are showcasing on the site at present, please say hello and leave feedback. At present A Soul-Jah is working on a new cd with Benjamin Sirota, which will be available to buy sometime early this year, the cd will have plenty of AMBITUDE and will have a nice phresh sound for the new year, so keep posted for updates and info, thanks for checking the site remeber to leave comments, CHEERS A Soul-Jah 'someone who cares' MANY LOVES!