Ad Inferna profile picture

Ad Inferna

About Me

7 years after the release of "L’Empire des Sens", Ad Inferna is back with a surprising new album that transcends musical limits, mixing influences from electronic, industrial and gothic metal.
Composed by founding members of De Profundis and the musical mastermind behind Seth, Ad Inferna made a lasting impression back in 2002 with their unanimously praised debut album [Legacy 14/15 Punkte], not only in Europe but further afield in Russia and Japan.
Their return sees the band drop a new bomb, namely "Trance N Dance", via Dreamcell11, the gothic / electro / EBM subsidiary of Italy’s Aural Music label.
8 tracks offer an original voyage through the mystical and frightening world of Ad Inferna where sorrow and melody collide with dramatic effect. Lyrics are mostly written in the French language, alternating in clear and black voices, but German and English both feature and help guide you to ecstasy, sensuality, tenderness and intimacy.
The continual thread on "Trance N Dance" is the desire to dance and move, and that won’t leave you throughout this album – its format won’t fail to appeal to both electronic and metal aficionados in a club setting.
You are warned: do not try to label them - Ad has chosen to break down the barriers of musical genres to offer his own musical, visual and thematic style.

Release date: 29/09/2009
TranceNdance - Aural Music / DreamCell11 / SPV

Metamorphose - EP

L'Empire des Sens - Last Episode / Silverdust / M10

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My Interests


Member Since: 1/10/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:
V. Orias A. : guitars, keyboards & electronix

V. V. Arkames : lead & back vox

Mr Hyde: bass, electronix & mix

V. N. A. : drums & percussions

Asphodel : lead vox (appears on Penumbra & Pin Up Went Down )

Sounds Like: Nothing else...
Record Label: Aural Music / Dreamcell11 / SPV
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Allez visiter le myspace d ART for RATS

Et profitez en pour lire l'article nous concernant ici:ART for RATSMerci à Willow AI.
Posted by on Tue, 26 May 2009 08:26:00 GMT

COMBICHRIST on TranceNdance !

Hey there,We are proud to announce that COMBICHRIST will officially feature on the upcoming album TranceNdance, to be released on the end of September by Aural / Dreamcell / SPV.Soon the next steps, s...
Posted by on Sat, 23 May 2009 13:07:00 GMT

Kolja (SOMAN) about AD INFERNA

"Power, Energy, Overdrive, and Beauty - it's all in the new album. And I'll take care of the destruction :-)" Kolja
Posted by on Mon, 11 May 2009 12:24:00 GMT


"Ad Inferna combines different styles like industrial, metal, gothic and electro to a completely new style. Their sound is not comparable to any other band i've heard so far. They created their o...
Posted by on Mon, 11 May 2009 10:42:00 GMT

Une tonne de news pour vous ;-)

Des news dans le désordre  :   ·         La signature avec le label pour lalbum « Trance N Dance » est imminente&et la sortie de lalbum devrait être septembre 2009. ·         Nous avons...
Posted by on Fri, 01 May 2009 04:37:00 GMT

News in disorder

- Signing with the label for the album "Trance N Dance" is coming ... and the album should be in September 2009. - We have 3 covers already in boxes. What will we do? probably compilations, samp...
Posted by on Sat, 02 May 2009 01:48:00 GMT

Ad Inferna on

let's go !!!
Posted by on Fri, 24 Apr 2009 01:20:00 GMT

Ad Inferna.... encore et encore !!!

Vous voulez de bonnes nouvelles ?Ad a quasiment terminé deux nouveaux titres& plutôt deux reprises (d'un groupe allemand sorti en 1990 &  d'un groupe français en 1985). Elles seront proposées aux labe...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Apr 2009 03:15:00 GMT

Ad Inferna ! Do you want more?

Do you want some good news? Ad has almost completed two more new titles ... twice cover songs (from a German group in 1990 & a french group in 1985). They will be offered to the labels which will lice...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Apr 2009 03:28:00 GMT

Vous aimez Ad ?

Ça tombe bien, Ad compte sur vous Mettez notre version de « Fade to Grey » sur vosprofils Myspace et faites écouter nos nouveaux titres à votre famille, vosproches, amis, relations, à vos DJs, labels,...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Apr 2009 02:30:00 GMT