Vice on Victory [Is Recording An Album] profile picture

Vice on Victory [Is Recording An Album]

The Official Myspace of Vice on Victory

About Me

Welcome to the official Vice on Victory myspace page.
We completely run and operate this page ourselves from our computers, laptops and sidekicks.
We do not use any form of an automated messaging or commenting system, everything comes directly from one of us.
We love and respect all of our fans, we love talking with all of you so don't be shy to send us a comment or a message. For without our fans, we're nothing but a band with a website.
Please be courteous, and do not spam on our page. A little, "Hey, Would you check us out?" is one thing. Yet when it takes up half of our page, we're sorry but, your comment as well as you will be deleted.

A few questions we regularly receive :
Q: Are you a band?
A: Ummm... Yes! In all seriousness we do actually receive this exact same question at least 15 times a day.
Rocket Science, Rocket Science. Come on now, is it really so difficult to click on a profile?
Q: When did you form and how do you know eachother?
A: We formed in November of 2007. Began with Trevor and Billy meeting through a columbus musician classified ad. From there, Marko, Dany, and Patrick were found using the same method.
Q: Where are you from?
A: We all live in Columbus, Ohio now. Yet each of us are originally from a different part of the state, as well as Indiana.
Q: What are your influences?
A: All of our influences are highly vast from each other, so to list them all would take up much of our time as well as yours to read. So just feel free to ask us individually via our aim screen names or our personal myspace pages.
Q: Where can I buy your music?
A: Our snocap store ( located directly under the music player ) is the only place where you'll be able to purchase our music at this time.
Q: Are you playing (this city) anytime soon?
A: We are currently working on setting up and getting everything together for our summer tour. Which cities are not set in stone as of yet. Although any assistance you may be able to offer us in playing your city would be extremely helpful.
Support Vice On Victory:

My Interests


Member Since: 1/9/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:

Click Each Member Name For Their Personal Myspace

Dany: Vocals

Trevor: Guitar/Vocals

Patrick: Bass
AIM= VoVBass

Marko: Guitar
AIM= StupidKidZero

Billy: Drums
AIM= billyarnettvov

Contact The Band
viceonvictory@hotmail. com

View Vice on Victory’s EPK


Sounds Like:

Disco Shirt $10.00

Record Label: None

My Blog


Well You’ve Been Asking For Them, So Here They Are.Save Me:Monday morning what to wear?She put’s a ribbon in her hair.Sweater on to hide her arms.Hide her brusies, hide her scars. Now he&r...
Posted by Vice on Victory [Is Recording An Album] on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 04:59:00 PST

Want To Be In Our Top Friends???

Well then awesome!!!Here's all you'll need to do:1) Have "VoV" listed in your member profile name2) Have one of our banners on your page (we have 3, so I'm sure you'll find one to use)3) Now here's th...
Posted by Vice on Victory [Is Recording An Album] on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 05:57:00 PST