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Nikki ART

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hello! My name is Nikki and I am an artist. To all of those who know me you can skip this part but for those just browsing with nothing to do other than read this go ahead!!! I have been drawing since I could hold a pencil and nothing's changed! To tell you the truth, the first two years of college was an identity crisis! Honestly, I was scared to pursue art. I was trying to be somebody I wasn't. I was trying to major in radiology, criminal justice, dentistry.... I have switched colleges like crazy and still am! I have attended the University of West Georgia, Gordon, and Clayton State University, eventually Georgia State University. I have come to learn that hard work and talent put together pays off in the end. Art is something I'm good at. It's a unique God given talent that I have and I enjoy it so much. For once in my life I am being Nikki. This year may be rocky and filled with downfalls but i'm prepared for anything. I hope you all enjoy my drawings as much as i did creating them. There will be much more to come in the future and if you are interested in portrait drawings of anyone send me an email to [email protected] i'll give you details on pricing and such. Remember : "The future belongs to those who beleive in the beauty of their dreams" ~Nikki****************************************************** *****
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