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I HAVE MADE THIS SITE TO COLLECT AS MUCH CONTENT VALIDATING WE ARE ALL "ONE". IT'S TIME TO EMPOWER OURSELVES WITH THE TRUTH OF OUR ORIGINS, THE MANIPULATIVE AGENDAS OF OUR LEADERS AND TO STEP OUT FROM THE SHADOWS OF OF ANYTHING THAT IS NOT BORN OF LOVE AND CO-CREATION. THE CHANGE IS COMING, DON'T GET LOST IN THE LIES AND SMOKE SCREENS ANYMORE. BE SUBMERGED IN THE WONDER THAT WE ARE AND THE WONDEROUS WORLD WITH WHICH WE ARE INEXTRICABLY WOVEN INTO. THE FUTURE WILL BE UNKIND TO THOSE WHO CHOSE IGNORANCE. NOT FOR MILLENIA HAS INFORMATION AND THE TRUTH BEEN SO READILY AVAILABLE TO US TO SEARCH FOR AND UNCOVER. THE INTERNET AND THE SHARING AND REMEMBERANCE OF OUR "ONENESS" BRINGS US BACK TOGETHER. WE WERE NEVER APART.! IT WILL TAKE WORK AND WILL TAKE DILLIGENCE TO DECIFER BUT THE TRUTHS ARE THEIR FOR US, JUST AS THEY LAY WITHIN THE DNA OF OUR BEING. I HOPE YOU ENJOY. NAMASTE...... -->cut and paste-->If you don't get to the bottom of this stream of conciousness rambling, know that I am all about LOVE and finding as many ways as possible to express it or get passed anything not of it. Everything of any true worth is born in or of it ....I Won't be offended if you don't get to the bottom of this stuff but you might miss something worth reading if you don't.....;-) We have ancient wisdom locked in the very cells of our DNA just waiting for us to access...Just feel and Listen, you'll get it....And the thing is, you know you will if you just take a moment a deep breath and just sit..... As many of us do, I've got the mind to do most anything, the trouble is which thing to focus upon and when. This's something that seems to come with a little life experience and a few dozen failures and humble successes... Was born a Hippy IN THE 60's but have learned how to exist in this prefab world of destruction and consumption that was created before I got here...Surviving and supposedly thriving by selliing the very bones and historical origins of our own existence to the highest bidder with a the biggest check book...This is the life our Leaders have chosen to share with us..Don't you feel that something is sadly missin and wrong in this picture...Where are the new leaders willing to hold the path back through the lies and to the truth of the enormity of who and what we are...We are all Christ like if we only remember and practice the rememberance of what it is to BE and see our way past the distraction and obstacles of this viel of deciet...Looking deeper you'll find that in each of our DNA lay all the answers from the true leaders of our past...One that begins long before anyone had bothered to teach us at school and unless you're really fortunate missed out on at home too...We've all been dumbed down for the benefit of a mini minority, but the truth is Rapidly racing us back towards the starting line...In a nutshell, I started as a Navy brat and only child, dad had two girls (my beautiful sisters) second time around and I found my way into professional sports for a few years which in it's own crazy way led me to the Healing arts and several forms of massage therapy and connecting to my fellow beings on a deeper level through simple touch and relief of pain of self and others. No expectations attached. ..Very simple very basic Touch. Unconditional blening and sharing..We are all divine vessels of healing and perfect potential. When we learn to give and love with NO expectations we will have felt and have learned the true spirit of Spirit...! Over the past decade or more now I Have been on a quest for wholeness, oneness, completion and of a way to exist without expectations without judgement while seeking out the teachers and ones who are also feeling thier way back into thier perfect origins and to thier true light drenched creative beginnings.....Forget basic Gregorian Calendars as anything other than a record of simple application...For some real enlightenment and glorious sense of home, seek to know more of the Mayan calendar.! Creation is speeding up at a rate that has got the world from it's false leaders down into every home running in a crazy circle looking to lay blame on anything possible other than themselves....We are responsible for our wellness, our wholeness our divinity and connecting with HOME... We are yet to learn that we a but a collection of beautiful observers and sharers of an amazing web of possibilities here on earth. Control is futile and you know it in the surrendering of everything, including the outcome of any noble deed we might partake in...This is where it's at...The time is coming when TIME itself will mean nothing...All past present and future will simultaneously coexist. Nothing will be impossible and the manifestation of anything will be more readily at our fingertips then ever before in our short history... Just do the searching...Scientists and Spiritual gurus alike know this is occuring, at a rate like never before in our lifetime...There are cures for all our lifestyle, modern man made sicknesses and they cost penny's...Some have been around for hundreds of years, some for Eons and are still in use in parts of the world...But the FDA, Big Pharma, Insurance triad would never let them come into a market based on keeping people sick as long as possible keepin you a part of thier modern holocaust and embedded in the sickness system. We are energetic vessels and need to be treated as such ...Go to anyplace on the net such as for some insight or read about the persecution of Dr Donsbach and his subsequent need to move to mexico to see what our system has truly become all about...Energy Medicine is the future and empower ouselves to know what the true meaning of wellness is is our goal and will take us on a journey back to our divine selves... Anyway, we have been lied to (sometimes deliberately, sometimes through ignorance) and we are so much more than we've been ever taught... No judgement, no conditions, no mistakes only love and lessons in which to learn how much love we are born of. The only bad mistakes are those we don't learn from...But when you've been filled with so much BS, distracting media, religion and government feeding us ilicit garbage and lies etc...How will we know when we see or feel the truth...MTV has acted as a great dumbing of our youth, but there are those out there who see the lies...MTV started in the 80's as a great paltform for Artists to show thier music , through the video medium. ..How times have is now a peddler of Soft porn and mind fucking fast cutting content contributing to the dumbing and medicating...Not the only show owned by big Coporations to do this but a clear example...So again how is anyone meant to know the truth...? Thank God some people are finding clarity within this fog. The Iraq war is based in lies, Enron, WorldComm, Catholic Hierarchy, Howard and Blair in Australia and England along with Bush acting out the reduction of local freedoms for apparent protection so eventually they can instill there merciless martial laws....They are slowly acting out thier design.....But in the long run nothing any crazed fanatical leader can do will come close to the POWER and changes of the Universe, our own solar system and cosmos. These shifts effect us all and it's time to get correct and ride the changes by learning what they are...Thes are about the natural state of our surrounds and consequently our state of being. Al Gore making some positive last waves with his film making...Again though we might be shitting in our own backyard, mother earth will live within her greater galactic domain....Ancient Mayan calendars affirm all of todays history making and cosmic shifts....We seem to think we are above the natural laws of the Universe and the mighty power to which we are but a small minute but extremely beautfil portion....Every part of creation is building momentum, good and bad. We make the choices as always, but the results will become more and more immediate...The developing of more lies and distractions in the Middle East to take attention from the previous lie simply continue....As ARE the desires for people to know the worlds truths. The future is only possible through Integrity, Truth and Ethics...And being very open to all possibilities... Integrity was the single most searched word on the www in 05....We feel the change but only few are openly sharing and wanting to create a forum to discuss and share such...LET"S DO IT HERE ...!!! Lets build a group to share and pass our knowledge and our teachers information around.....BE the Teacer and be the sudent...! A man by the name of Dresden James Wote in regards to the TRUTH...! "A truths initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed.....When a well packaged and managed web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and it's speaker, a raving lunatic." He knew what he spoke... Have a bit of a think over that and let's talk more if you're up for "One Day We'll learn to lay our Burdens on the alter of LOVE so they may be consumed by the fire of faith" sj.4/01 "The one thing I want want from God, the thing I seek most of all, is the privilege of meditating in his temple, living in his presence everyday of MY LIFE....psalms 27:4-7 "At the moment of committment, the universe conspires to assist you in the journey...patience and dilligence need be your only luggage." sj. Life's a Roller Coaster, Learn how to ride it...! from a cheesy song...;-) Look forward to chatting more sometime..... BIG LOVE... sj.

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Posted by on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 16:53:00 GMT


PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION ...... DRINK THAT ...... EAT THAT ...... AND NOW ...... SWALLOW THISHello all ...I saw a staggering statistic this week ... one in ten American children take the mind-alterin...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Nov 2007 22:19:00 GMT

Posted by on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 13:01:00 GMT

Zeitgeist the Movie...Worth Viewing...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 16:51:00 GMT

GLOBAL WARMING SWINDLE....Documentary... 70&q=ufo+disclosureSome CO2 insights and Disclosure of the GORE Swindle... Enjoy...Make your own mind up......  
Posted by on Wed, 02 May 2007 05:19:00 GMT

The KATHARA TEACHINGS...Melchizedek Cloister

Powerful teachings to bring you back to your beginnings and recognise yours and OUR Powerfully burden free potential options of reality within this matrix.  Much love, Stu..  ...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 01:50:00 GMT

The Home of DEEKSHA...Divine Energy Transference.  This is a beautiful place to introduce you to the Intimate nature of accessing your divinity...Divine Restoration is our greatest ch...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 00:09:00 GMT

Oneness of the World....Ancient texts and Wisdom

be all you can and spread the love and truth of your powerful origins...A great place to find some Ancient Religion and Spirituality...   
Posted by on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 00:08:00 GMT

FINALLY UFO Disclosure...Not so Unidentified.;-)

Keeping our minds open will lead us to new realms of understanding and insights leading us back to our beginnings... Much Love, Stu... 218&a...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 01:20:00 GMT


The Shift Is Happening Now - interview with Gregg Bradenby Wynn Free  There are many quantifiable scientific indicators proving that the Earth and the Solar System are going through changes which...
Posted by on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 11:20:00 GMT