People I Love
(In no particular order)
Maylene. Maribel. Whoever you are, I deeply, truly admire you. You, with a smile that outshines the brightest supernova, can bend and break me. You showed me the brighter side of life. No one can ever undo the damage caused, but somehow you seem to exhude the light that you emit from the very depth of your heart. With your playful banter you seem to turn around a whole decade of damage. You alone can make my lips to almost a complete "U", creating an upside down umbrella. With this you show me that instead of repelling the rain, I should catch and enjoy some of the purity that God drops unto us from the heavens. I will always be here for you Maylene Grey, and we will always have Disneyland. Thank you Maylene, for everything...
Pengin is my hero!!! It was actually pretty funny how I met her. Anywhoo, she makes me smile in ways other people only dream about! She's a really cool gal. I, apparently, have a strong musical influence on her. Lol. Nah. She just has great taste in music. She is very prettiful and she is the sunshine on a cloudy day. I Love You Pengin
For your info, it's Sonya with a "Y" not an "I". OMG!!! She is one of the coolest people in the universe. Her pretty smile can melt icebergs! I met her through a friend. She loves and wants to be loved. I care for her and I would do anything for her. I can honestly say I love her (as a friend) but I care for her as family. Keep your chin up and know that the light will always shine on the Eastern Horizons. Shine on diamond eyes.
Gotta love that McWhoreface! She usually cheers me up with her random blahness. Me 'n her met one day when I went to her house. She gets a kick out of tickling me, and she gets sad when I'm sad.
Lisa came to me in a dream and said, "Jesse...You effin rock." Lol. Naw. But I wish it was that way. Lisa is one of the world's most perfect friends. Small World Though. Haha, she lives on my street. I didn't know anything about her, until I sent her a message. Oddly enough, I found out she lives but a few houses from mine. She is verry pretty and doesn't take kindly to people who talk any mess. Fuck with her, and you're buying yourself a one-way ticket to my foot in your ass, because LisaMarie is perfect!
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