I am a third year student at Bournemouth uni! however, I have an industrial placement year with Disney Interactive Studios so I am living in Chiswick soon for a year!Um stuff about me, I am quite tall, nearly 6ft tall and I think that my legs are long enough alone to get on The Nemsis at Alton Towers. Great! I am a self confessed shopaholic... even if it's food, i'll shop. I enjoy deserts, mainly M&S melt in the middle chocolate puddings, yum, lime torte, chocolate cherry gateau!I'm originally from South Norfolk. The nearest city is Norwich or Ipswich, Norwich is where I attended sixth form for two years!What I like... sushi, smoothies, M&S food, Waitrose, dark chocolate, yogurt, TV, travelling...it goes on and on...music, film art. I kind of like organising stuff to...hence the reason I want to be an events manager when i'm all big and grown up! Then hopefully going into festival management.Oh yeah how can I not mention Gammon. Well the full story is here http://www.geocities.com/ladyrotteen/gammontrolley
The er group consists of me, Jen, Bec and P... yeah go to that site, they are the bestest 3 people ever!I'll shut up now. Oh but one thing, does anyone else LOVE drinking custard out of the carton? Just me, right...
You Are a Margarita
You aren't just the life of the party, you are the party!
You mix a good drink, bust out some great music, and know how to get down.
What Mixed Drink Are You?