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john "the raptist"

About Me

BLOOD!Look around you, there are people everywhere, But how did they get here? The same way you did. They had what we commonly call a mom and dad. now you may not know your mom or dad but, the fact remains that everyone alive has a biological mother and father. And everyone that is here, got here by the means of a man and woman joined together.Now we know who mom is because she bore us, But how do we know who dad is? Or what makes You the child of your biological father? Give up? The answer: blood. You have your fathers blood In your veins. That’s what makes you the child Of your dad, and that’s what makes your dad Your biological father. Now you may say, “I Have my mother blood in my veins too”. Well , Lets take a look and see.When God created the first human being, he was A man by the name of “adam.” Then God created Woman, and this is how he did it. God put adam in A deep sleep and then took one of adams ribs And God made woman from Adams rib. The word Woman means, “of man” or “womb of man.”So now let me ask you a question. Where did eve Get her blood from? The answer: adam. When God took the rib from adam, to make eve, she Also got the blood in the rib. So adam wasn’t Just eve’s husband, you can say that adam was Eve’s biological father because eve got her Blood from adam. So when adam and eve had Their first child, who’s blood was in that child? Answer: adams blood and adams blood in eve. This is why the scripture says,”the sins of the Fathers fall on the children.” It is adams, sin Stained blood in the child, and it is adams sin Stained blood in eve in the child.When adam and eve sinned, they hid because They saw that they were naked(not covered by God) so God killed a lamb, and took the skin From that animal to cover adam and eve’s Body. What happened to that lamb? Answer: it Died, and it’s blood was shed. So all through The bible, God commanded that when the people Of Israel sinned, they had to kill a lamb and pour It’s blood out before God as a covering for the sin They committed. But if they sinned again, they Had to do the same thing again and again. The lambs Blood didn’t take away the sin completely, but it Covered the sin temporarily.Now Jesus was born of a virgin birth. I know what Your thinking. In the beginning of the conversation We said that every person who is standing on two Feet on planet earth got here one way and one way Only, by a biological mom and dad. So how is it that Jesus was born of a vigin birth? Was he a ghost? Well lets take a look.Jesus was as human as you and me. Read the bible And you will see that when Jesus died on the cross, Blood came out of His body,.therefore, he had a father. When Jesus looked to heaven and spoke to God, Jesus called God, “Father”. What was he saying? He was saying,” I have blood in my veins, And I got it from my Father, God! If Jesus Would have gotten his blood from joseph It would have been sinful, contaminated Blood, and Then jesus death on the cross would have been of no Power.When john“the Baptist” saw Jesus he said, “behold!, the LAMB of God who TAKETH away the sins of the world. Jesus has the authority to take away the sins of man Kind because he has His fathers blood (God) in His Veins. He is also the only one who is God’s son And there are no others because no other person On earth has God’s spotless blood in their veins. God loves us so much that He gave His only son Jesus Christ to die on the cross and shed His Fathers Blood (God allmighty) in the veins and body of Jesus! We know that God is perfect and Holy and there is no Sin in God. But he loves us so much, God sent His only son Jesus, to take the place Of our punishment, and shed His fathers blood out of the Veins of Jesus, to cover our sins, forgive us and save us From eternal death in hell. Jesus bled and died because of our sin. But the good news is, that God raised Him from the dead And he wants to live in our hearts for ever more. And When you die, you will live once again forever, because You made Jesus your savior and Lord!If the Holyspirit has shown you in your heart that Jesus Is the only way to God, Because Jesus is the only one with God’s blood in His veins, and there are no others, therefore Jesus Christ God’s only son has the authority to make me right Again with His father, then friend, pray this prayer from your Heart in faith knowing that God can hear you.Dear Lord Jesus, I believe that you are the only way, the only Son of God Because you are the only one with your fathers’ blood (God) In your very veins. Your Father (God) can’t ever sin, there fore You have the purest blood to cover my sinful blood. You Have the authority to make me right again with your Father(God) Thankyou for taking the punishment for my crimes against your Holy Father. Forgive me for my sins and make me right again with your Father (God) So He can also be my Father through you. Come into my heart and be my savior and Lord. Forgive me, Save me, Heal me, use me- me and my family. You said in your word And you can not lie, that to believe on your only son Jesus Christ, And I will be saved and my family. I accept this wonderful truth, And I know that you will see me through each day, all the way to the end!AMEN! Myspace Contact Tables
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Member Since: 09/01/2007
Band Website: [email protected]
Influences: Jack Van Impe
Sounds Like: "i can't believe it's not hip-hop"
Record Label: Unknown Indie
Type of Label: Indie

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