fooseball, tennis, swimming, hiking, jockin tha bithces, slappin the hoes, kidnapping children, killing innocent bystanders, small children, and long naps with my teddy bear.
My real parents. They cant be human. I know I am part some other breed.
But I've alread met my best friend.
Menudo, death metal, traditional metal, and old school sucking goats balls BIIIITCH, SOUNDTRACK TO SOUND OF MUSIC. And the soundtrack to FACES OF DEATH.
i like documentries about starving kids, it makes me feel alot better about my situation
Telethons to raise money for animals on PBS, cuz by not donating i am helping a species go extinct and getting to watch all the amazing britsh comedies and totally kick ass symphonies i can possibly handle without bein thrown into a frenzy of hard liquor and inevidabley masturbating until i cry and fall asleep awesomely drunk, but terribly alone. HAHA i am so JK........i guess i am gonna go with ALF, yea i like that show he is funny :)
What the fuck is a book?! Are you trying to make fun of me with fancy words boy??? Fuck you!! JK i like a small little book that has a place in my heart it is called "Bloodsucking Dildo Vampires From Outerspace vol.2: The Quest For Slutt MCwhoreson on Planet of the Beers." it is a mini series by and up and cumming (ha) auther by the name of Winkle Savageman. They are really a comment on society and the oppression of the 17th century monarchal government of paraguay.......NOT its just porn and beer.....OH MAN!!!! FACED!!!! HAHAHA!!! SHIT i totally fucking got you....all like ooooooo smart book.......HAHAHA Dweeb.
The first person to be like "You know what this rock and roll thing would sound alot better if we played it heavier" thus metal was born