some one out there was meant to be the love of
your life. the ones you can tell your dreams to
and he'll smile at you when you tell him. But he'll
never laugh, he'll brush the hair out of your face,
and he'll stare at you during a movie, even though
he paid $11 to see it. He'll call you to tell you how
he couldn't stop thinking of you, and most
importantly, he'll look right in your eyes and tell
you that you are the most beautiful girl he's ever
seen. And for the first time in your life, you'll
believe it.
[NAME] jaclyn
[AGE] 22 yearSz younq =]
[LOCATION] flOriida
[STATUSZ] i'd die for him ♥ iloveyou'forever&always
we're perfect for eachother, & we'll never find another♥.
[LIKESZ] pericinqSz, tattooSz, heartSz, liipqlOsSz, shoppinq, liquOr,the color pink, beinq loud, meetin new ppl, havinq fun, buqqin outt , & actinq crazii _ duhh =].
[DISLIKESZ]liars, stupid biitcheSz, borinq people, iqnorant people, people who talk to damn much, drama, nosey people, animals, being hot, people who claim to hate me but still find a need to be all up in my bussiness, && uqly people.
[MUSIQ] i listen to almOst anythinq - - except cOuntry ewh =x.
[INFO]im pretty much a dOwn to earth biitch who likeSz to have fun, i enjoy beinq arOund people, i can alwaySz make you lauqh&&smiLe,
i can be stubborn, i talk alott, im hard headed, && have a an opinion about everythinq, but all & all i am a cOol aSs chiiCk =].
soo, if your cool & you think im cool you should qett at me,
&& if not qo kiiCk briiCkSz =].