Jango Jukebox
www.Jango.com - Internet Radio
www.Jango.com - Internet Radio
I want to meet genuine people. People who are ambitious and work for their dreams. Dreams are most important in this world, without dreams life is like a frozen icerink. People that don't have drive and passion are empty, that's why I want people around me, that aren't afraid to take risks to reach their goals. Acceptance and strenght are also important, without strenght we can't survive. So many changes, ups&downs happen in our life, that we need to be strong and accept what God has planned. Belief is all you need. We are all blessed and have a meaning."Rosa Parks sat so that Martin Luther King could walk, Martin Luther King walked so that Obama could run, Obama ran so now I guess it's time for us to fly.. Only the sky is the limit. -King