mission,,: the development of real, un-fronted artwork.... to provide work that represents the city culture over bougie behavior and its roots without shame.
,,,,express culture, without frontage.,,,,about: ,,transforming the street into gear. plastered on tees, dresses and accessories are the sights of the neighborhoods, voices of the people, the history of the city and the life of those who lead it into greatness. ,,,,the tagged up stop sign, the busted up bus stop, the rebirth of the 80’s in Hip Hop, the bs of Daley all expressed through ink on fabric.SAM.KIRK ART SHOWS AND EVENTS:June 24th
Latino Center Grand Opening
National-Louis University
122 S. Michigan, 6th Floor
Chicago, ILJuly 18th & 19th
Rudy Lozano Concert
Dvorak Park
Chicago, IL 60608July 31st - August 2nd
Milwaukee Avenue Arts Festival
2338 N. Milwaukee
Chicago, ILAugust 1st
Venus Art Show
1100 W. Cermak Road
Chicago, ILPAST SHOWS & EVENTS:May 6, 2009
Hispanic-Pro Spring Networking Soire
203 W. Superior
Chicago, ILMay 2nd
Silent Auction Art Show - In Honor of EVOL, AFROE42 & KEP
Chicago, ILMarch 5th
Dilated Peoples Concert
Green Dolphin Street
2222 N. Ashland
Chicago, ILFebruary 13th
"200 Lincolns"
Chicago Art Department
18th & Halsted
Chicago, IL 60608January 9th
"The Awareness Ribbon"
Artistic Jeanius
1711 S. Halsted
Chicago, IL 60608December 8th - January 9th (Private Show)
Draftfcb Chicaago
101 E. Erie, 16th Floor
Chicago, IL 60611sam.kirk apparel sold at:OMD CHICAGO
1419 W. 18th Street
Chicago, IL 60608Jugrnaut
427 S. Dearborn
Chicago, IL 60603No Coast
1500 W. 17th Street
Chicago, IL 60608check out designs online at www.iamsamkirk.com
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