About Me
Generous Thinker
My name is Ashley Marie.
I am 21 years old.
I am taken and contrary to my massive friends list I have very few friends.
I am awkwardly and painfully shy, but the kind of shy where I am so nervous about not being able to keep a conversation going that I just start rambling aimlessly about some odd topic. Like the Elliot Reed character on Scrubs.
I have random public outbursts of oddness that make people think I am crazy. I believe it is a defense mechanism to keep me safe from new people and situations. Ya know no one wants to approach a crazy person. I am really afraid I might grow up to be the crazy cat lady.
I have two younger siblings a half-sister and a step-sister.
I feel bad for lots of things and I am constantly apologizing for things I can't really apologize for. I feel like a fuck up constantly, but my friends reassure me.
I like to make great plans that never come to be, because I am seriously unmotivated. I feel like I should be doing so much more with my life, but I never can find the proper spark.
I have things I enjoy doing like going to the movies, the video store, library, wal*mart (My BF works there.), hanging out with friends, going to shows, going to the park, festivals, writing, reading, listening to “lovely†music, and driving.
I know about fashion and how it is supposed to work, but rarely apply it to my self except for the fact that PLUS SIZE PEOPLE NEED TO DRESS MORE CONSERVATIVELY! JUST BECAUSE THEY MAKE IT AND YOU CAN SQUEEZE INTO IT DOES NOT MEAN YOU SHOULD WEAR IT! Geez. I am fat yes, but 95% of the time I don’t let dresses, skirts, or shorts come above my knee. Shirts need to cover your pants by at least an inch. Try to be mindful of where you clothes are going. I hate to go out some where and see a plus size woman in tight clothes letting her rolls hang out it makes us all look bad.
I know about responsibility, but my current situation makes me look bad in that department. It makes me sad because no one will take me serious when I try to give them advice. They are always like “Well look at you…â€
I am interested in photography I am hopefully going to be starting school soon for it. People aren't being very supportive about it for some reason. It is starting to upset me a lot. I am finely trying to get my life on track and people think I am going to give up on it.
I want to be perfectly honest right this second I will drink I enjoy it more these days than I use to. I had my first drink when I was thirteen at an old friends house. Didn't drink again until about eighteen I mostly refused, but now I am legal and I find it more pleasurable. I do smoke weed and I find nothing wrong with. I have a few things I have done that I won't tell you.
I love bubble baths, scented candles, fall, Halloween, fresh flowers, rainbows, CATS, zombie stuff, colorful clothes, offensive song titles, jokes about violence, CATS, vitamin water, rice cakes (yes I actually like rice cakes), compact fluorescent light bulbs, nature (except for the bugs), animals, hybrid cars, making new stuff out of old stuff, sewing, hello kitty, caffeine, milkshakes, foreign films, my friends, and my family.
I hate people (they can be so ignorant), being poked, being too cold, being to hot, sun tans, any thing to do with tanning, girls, mean people, hospitals, and DEER!
I have an irrational fear of deer, what could be in the dark, turtles, meteor strikes, plane crashes, touching old food, being alone, and animal blood.