Feel free to add the songs to your profile and tell others about this page. Too few have had the chance to enjoy Seventh Angel and I am confident that you will find that much of the band's material stands up even today. Some 20 years after the founding mind you!
For those interested in what the band members are up to now (musically) here is the latest information I have:
Ian Arkley- MY SILENT WAKE, CENTURY SLEEPER, and THE OTHER WINDOW. Ian also played guitar for one album for Paramecium and was also hailed for his Ashen Mortality project
Si Bibby- FIRE FLY (UK) a great modern project that also includes former Detritus frontman (and sometime Seventh Angel member) Mark Broomhead
Tank & Jon Willis- SUKMUNKI. Fantastic and worth checking out!
Nic White- US psychobilly/psychojazz band HELLHAMMERHAND HIX.
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