Maria profile picture


Ms New Booty!

About Me

Find a Fling
I love my body so I take lots of pictures, I hide my face because I have a career and hundreds of clients. Gotta keep it professional yanno? But you can view more of my pics on the other site. I love to laugh and have a good. I am always smiling. I enjoy skiing, going to NHL hockey games, (Red Wings) and playing pool. I love to rollerblade, swim and the beach. I love to cook. I also entertain quite often! I love my family and friends. I am a movie addict and often times you will catch me quoting lines from various movies. I have a huge collection of DVD movies (192 and counting!) :). I started taking dance when I was 14. I basically dance four out of five nights a week. Dance is my passion. I enjoy learning new things. I'd like to learn to sail, to swing and salsa dance, learn to play piano, play chess and kayak. I love wine and I like to go wine tasting. I have finally been to Paris. I love the Stanley Cup and finally saw the Eiffel Tower in person in April!!!!. I was born in Massachusetts and also love the Patriots and Red Sox (yay they finally won it!). I am not perfect, nor do I expect you to be. I hope your search is going well and thanks for checking me out! Good Luck and Let's go Red Wings!! You can find some more pictures of me here
Make Money Online
So everyone keeps asking me how I make a living working on the internet, So I figured i'd just post it here and share with everyone. I make money filling out online surveys, participating in focus groups, trying products, and more! Not to brag or anything but last month all of my checks totaled to a little over $3375 all from filling out surveys, This month will be over $6,000! LEARN HOW I DO IT (Crazy cause only takes me about 15 minutes a day to complete).I really couldnt believe it until I actually did it. Go to the link and you will see what Im talking about. I'm planning to switch from working full-time to part-time with my current job so that I can fill out more surveys because It's been working very well for me, I do as many as I can in my spare time since there is no limit on how many surveys you can fill out. Well I hope I have answered all of your questions. If you still need more info on how to get started, then go to their website CHECK IT OUT HERE . I've been a member there for about 2 months now and like I said before, It's been working very well for me....Anyways I got a surprise check in the mail this week for $5,082!! Thats for less than a months work!! This is so awesome I actually decided to start framing them. lol I am cheesy I know, But check it out!

My Blog

check out my favorite band

Hey guys (and my girlfriends),I just wanted to let you all know that my friends band ... and new favorite band ... FINALLY got their page up. I was hoping you all could show them some luv and visit th...
Posted by Maria on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 12:17:00 PST

Myspace deleted my pics :(

I guess my booty pictures were "sexually suggestive" or at least thats what myspace thinks. So they removed them and warned me that if I upload them again my account may be deleted. So if you want to ...
Posted by Maria on Sun, 27 May 2007 05:30:00 PST