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About Me

At the age of 25, DJ Lucky found out that deejaying did not interest him at all. And because of his complete lack of musical invention, he became a sound engineer. And it serves him right!

Within technical co-operation with the group Just , he created the underground garage studio Just Recording.

Apart from Just, he has co-operated or is still co-operating with the following groups: Stepan Smetacek & N.O.D., Ewing Oil, Petr Polacek & Iluze, Jam Band, Acid Comments, El Paso, Mrakoplas, and occasionally with Ivan Hlas, Excelence, Update and JOE PR Agency.

Nowadays he is mainly a sound engineer with The New Orchestra of Dreams (big)band and a sound engineer, lighting engineer, driver, webmaster, and roady for Marek Dusil and My (meaning his) Band.

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