SuperSAMSAM. ™ profile picture

SuperSAMSAM. ™

your just jealous the voices are talking to me!!

About Me

Supz?! 16. Single. Male. I don't think im better than you. I just don't think you're better than me. If statistics are anything to go by, You probably hate me. I own babycakes. I own Nike Air Hi Tops. One day they'll get interviewed by Channel [V] like jordans did. And then my life will be complete. I've recieved hate-mail. From someone that hates me. She doesnt know anything about me. yet she thinks she knows me. I Pwnd her big time .[email protected] Please stop talking about me, Unless you like making me famous.

My Interests

commentmeplease.Bands i've seen: 30SecondsToMars. FallOutBoy. Lolol. TheVaine. 3 TheBrightStarAliiance. TheBronze. NoOneKnowsTheyWereRobots. Gyroscope. JacksMannequin. SiennaSkies. TheFurureDivine.

I'd like to meet:

I met one of "The Veronica's". She couldn't believe i didn't know who she was. I want to meet "Marilyn Manson". That would be an experience like no other. Paul Griffiths. XD.. Me+Sarah will on day visit Tokyo and take photos. =]


Thisiswhatsonmyipodatthemoment: TheAcademyis... Alesana. TheAllAmericanRejects. AllTimeLow. AngelsAndAirwaves. Asteria. Atreyu. BeforeTheirEyes. BestfriendsForever. Boyslikegirls. BrandNew [favourite] BringMeTheHorizon. ComebackKid. CutCopy. CuteIsWhatWeAimFor. ADayToRemeber. EnterShikari. EscapeTheFate. FaberDrive. Falloutboy. LOL. FromFrstToLast. ♥; GoodCharlotte. GreenDay. Gyroscope. HawthorneHeights. HIM. HitTheLights. Isetmyfriendsonfire. KanyeWest. HAHA. KissChasy. LinkinPark. LoveHateHero. MadinaLake. MarilynManson. MaydayParade. MindlessselfIndulgence. Muscles. MyAmericanHeart. NeverSeeTomorrow. ParkwayDrive. RageAgainstTheMachine. TheRedJumpsuitApparatus. RiseAgainst. Saosin. ScaryKidsScaringKids. ShortStack. ♥;. Silverstein. StoryOfTheYear. TakeTheCrown. TakingBackSunday. UnderOATH. TheUsed. YouAndWhatArmy? 30SecondsToMars.