IT ALRIGHTMADADA by KamaldineSO YESTERDAYMY FLYERWelcome, this is your's truely Didi OFFICIAL & ONLY myspace if you see any imitators tell him Didi says you're hot. I love Music, Singing and is one of the best social activity i grow up with since elementry it always has been there for me during my good and bad memory days so please fans don't be suprise if i am a super star today i do believe it all because of blessing from the must high which i appreciate very much=]..special thanks to my family they will always have a special place in my heart. I was Born in Sierra Leone West Africa (FREETOWN) is the city, I can say i am a child of the genocide. in the future i want to do my best to help those children orphaned and left homeless due to the genocide of Sierra Leone. I am an obedient christian, very friendly,social person, always try to be optimistic so you hardly ever catch me in a discomfort mood. All said and done you have now come to the conclusion of my bio if you still wish to know more about me please feel free to ask me;-] thanks for your time and caring. Always your's truely Didi. WELCOME TO DIDDY's VISITORS MAP
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