I work as a Licensed Massage Therapist at the Studio Fitness for Women in San Luis Obispo and I am self employed at the Therapeutic Body Center as a Massage Therapist. I reside in a town 2 miles south of Pismo Beach and 1 mile from Grover Beach in Arroyo Grande. I am blessed to have a wonderful occupation with the sandy shores so close to home. I have accomplished 2 out of 4 of my goals for this short period and hope that I become a dope surfer soon. I have always had a strong attraction to the ocean and even some ppl are scared of the unknown ocean and jellyfish for example, I embrace all things. Although, I have to say that San Diego is the place I will be happiest.I will move back to SD and hopefully start my Holistic Health Practitioner Training and maybe even Homeopathic or Natureopathic Medicine. I'm kinda getting a feel for new things as I continue to learn.Okay, so about me: Im very opinionated and at the same time very sweet. I get along with everyone and am very loved. I love DNB. I like to make my own Lavender Tea(honestly i think im addicted to it). I can't sleep with music or the tv on unless im very exhausted. OH yeah and the door has to always be shut. I hate mustard and onions and mushrooms. I'm one of those ppl that can enjoy a good movie over and over(Finding Nemo, The Notebook, etc.). There are many other crazy things about me but I'm gonna keep those secret. I'm not online for dating just good old friends or junglists.I decided to take a break on learning to mix. why because i get a big headache whenever i try and mix and make a mistake. Everything else im easy on myself with but I dunno why im so intimidated by the turntables. I'm also saving up monies to move. I can't wait to get out of here and start working in Dego. Plus ive moved too many times. why can't i just get back to San Diego and then ill quit moving. lol.