--------------------------aka "THEY said it! (We didn't!)"----------------------
"A whole lot of fun and catchy as hell. Just when I give up on pop punk, bands like this make me remember why I loved it in the first place. Hats off to you guys."
"If this group lived in St. Louis -- or better yet, Orange County -- they'd be regarded as the songwriting geniuses they are, because shining atop the goofy lyrics and other assorted foolishness are stellar, gripping pop hooks."
--Thomas Crone, STL Today
"Ded Bugs won a Slammy last year for Best Punk Band, and it's easy to understand why after a spin of Planet Of Blood, their fifth [sic] full-length...it never fails to charm and amuse, with zippy, handclap-peppered songs about dead girlfriends and zombies named Bob."
--Rene Spencer-Saller, The Riverfront Times
"A nearly flawless platter of perfect pop gems. Longtime underdog godfathers of the St. Louis punk scene, the band has steadily evolved...into a rocking powerhouse of a pop group."
--Brian McClelland, PlaybackSTL
"Wicked hooks that'll imbed themselves in your noggin if you're not careful."
--Jimmy Alvarado, Razorcake Magazine
"Gleefully punk-rocking . . . mixing Ramones-style riffage and B-movie humor with just a pinch of Beach Boys sweetness, the Bugs have concocted a high-fructose confection that's heavy on hooks and short on mopey, grunge-rock attitude"
-- Joe Williams, St. Louis Post-Dispatch
"Planet of Blood"
"stop and smell the stinking corpse lilies"