I AM A CHRISTIAN. I don't say that to condemn you or push you down. I just want you all to know that God has put me where I am in this life. All my successes are blessings from Him, and all my trials are ways to get closer to Him. I struggled with anger and conformity for a long time, but the Good Lord brought me out of it. My favorite Bible Verse is Colossians 2:8.
I AM A MUSICIAN. I don't consider myself the usual musician. I am a Christian musician, but I don't write normal Christian music, or "praise and worship". I write my life and the lives of others, and how faith affects them. I also write a love song from time to time. I am a performer. I am a songwritier. I can play guitar, bass, drums, and a little keyboard. I also sing. Check out my music. www.myspace.com/myautumnjuliet
I AM WEIRD. I won't lie. I march to the beat of two drums: God's and my own.
I LOVE MY FAMILY. I thank God that my parents raised me in a loving and prayerful home. My sister is funny and rock awesome. My brother is a soldier, and his wife is hardcore. They parent two young boys, who are my beautiful nephews, Aiden and Cullen. No, Cullen is not named after that "Twilight" book that turned vampires from cool, silent film characters into sensitive things.
GOD HAS a PLAN FOR ME. He has a Purpose. He has a Plan.
One day, I think God has a girl out there for me. She will be a Christian, and she will be amazing. I have had bad dating luck, but now I realize that I was dating the wrong kind of girl. I kind of don't care much about dating at the time.
I can't stand people who put thing son their "about Me" that are incrdeibly hating to others, yet then they put something in there about being kind. I know of one person who put something about their respect and kindess, and even being honest about who you are, but this person, in reality, is pretty jerky.
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MSN/Windows Live : [email protected]
Facebook : Ben Ricketts
Youtube : LostInsideTheWonder
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