Hi. Tracey here. Um. I'm hilarious. I really am. That's all there is to know 'about me.' The fact that I'm funny and hilarious (naturally) is all that's important here. Seriously. Anybody who really knows me, KNOWS that I'm hilarious. Those of you who don't think I'm hilariously funny... well... you have deep underlying issues within yourselves that you just can't come to grips with. So, get over it. Oh, and remember... I'm hilarious. Always was, always will be. xo TraceyHmm... what else should I write here 'about me?' Just some random stuff?? Well, born & raised here in Sydney, Nova Scotia. The wonderful island of Cape Breton, to be exact. lol. Um, I was born on April 9th, 1982- on Good Friday. I have a brother who's 9 years younger. I love my parents, they're cool. They have five pomeranians now- Buttons, Cookie, Precious, Belle, and Myah. Um, I have a kitten named Pooja. She's sitting here right now watching me type this at my apartment. I'm allergic to cats, but not Pooja for some reason. So that's cool. Um, I'm smart but not 'common sense' smart, lol. That's why I'm 'spacey.'I go to school and I work. I can be sarcastic, but in a good way. I'm funny. (as already mentioned above) I'm usually always a bundle of joy and fun to be around, but when I'm not- watch out! It must be the 'Aries' in me. The fiery Ram! I don't like mean people. I'm only mean if someone else is mean first. So don't be mean. I still smoke cigarettes- which is disgusting, I know. I'll have to kick that habit so I don't age before my time. I drink coffee, and lots of it. If I don't drink coffee I'll get caffeine headaches. If I ever donated blood, I'm sure it would be pure caffeine & tar. Mmm! Anyway, I love summer and hate winter. I'm single and have been since January, 2001. Whoa, that's a long time when u think about it. Oh well. I firmly believe in the whole 'whatever's meant to be, will be...' theory. That's all for now folks... gotta go for a smoke... xo T
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