i'm obsessed with trevor goodchild (my puppy), the boston red sox, granny smith apples, zelda, high fidelity, polaroid pictures, shopgirl, the character from sloan's "underwhelmed," papaya juice, aeon flux (anime. not the movie), red hair, "a perfect day for bananafish," and mixtapes.
Someone who's top five list consists of:
1. Jimmy Buffett
2. Stevie Wonder
3. Blondie
4. Fiona Apple
5. The Velvet Underground
|| livejournal ||
All-Time Top Five:
1. The Pixies
2. Minus the Bear
3. Nirvana
4. Pinback
Currently Listening To:
-- Cobalt Party Revolution- OK Consumer
-- Jimmy Buffett- Take The Weather With You
-- Copeland-Eat, Sleep, Repeat
-- The Long Winters- Putting The Days to Bed
-- P.O.S.- Audition
somehow, my life has been summed up in the movies 'high fidelity' and 'fever pitch.' how weird.
I don't watch TV unless it's NBA season or the Sox are playing.
steve martin, nick hornby, jd salinger, chuck klosterman, david sedaris, wally lamb, and jm coetzee.
but, the only short story that matters is "a perfect day for bananafish." read it.
Four People Inspire Me:Alex, Daniel, Kara, and Erica.