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I am here for Friends

About Me

Yeah. It's that bad.

My Interests

i'm obsessed with trevor goodchild (my puppy), the boston red sox, granny smith apples, zelda, high fidelity, polaroid pictures, shopgirl, the character from sloan's "underwhelmed," papaya juice, aeon flux (anime. not the movie), red hair, "a perfect day for bananafish," and mixtapes.

I'd like to meet:

Someone who's top five list consists of:

1. Jimmy Buffett
2. Stevie Wonder
3. Blondie
4. Fiona Apple
5. The Velvet Underground

|| livejournal ||


All-Time Top Five:
1. The Pixies
2. Minus the Bear
3. Nirvana
4. Pinback

Currently Listening To:
-- Cobalt Party Revolution- OK Consumer
-- Jimmy Buffett- Take The Weather With You
-- Copeland-Eat, Sleep, Repeat
-- The Long Winters- Putting The Days to Bed
-- P.O.S.- Audition


somehow, my life has been summed up in the movies 'high fidelity' and 'fever pitch.' how weird.


I don't watch TV unless it's NBA season or the Sox are playing.


steve martin, nick hornby, jd salinger, chuck klosterman, david sedaris, wally lamb, and jm coetzee.

but, the only short story that matters is "a perfect day for bananafish." read it.



Four People Inspire Me:Alex, Daniel, Kara, and Erica.

My Blog

my first interest in a LONG time.

I walked into Taco Bell yesterday to order my cheese quesadilla when I was caught off-guard by a very cute girl who was professionally dressed with a heavy English accent. We glanced. W...
Posted by ralpho on Wed, 29 Nov 2006 03:50:00 PST

Ferndale: Part II

Goals are being met and yet it's still hard to forget how comfortable I am in one city so close to another. I've been completely erased and I'm perfectly fine with that now. For a while, it was weird...
Posted by ralpho on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 05:38:00 PST

No Longer True.

I wrote this a long, long time ago and I think it's good. I AM NOT POSTING THIS FOR NOSTALGIC REASONS.Part One:"It might have faded, you decide. Hell of a night. Bat of an eye."(Pinback- Soaked)My lit...
Posted by ralpho on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 11:16:00 PST


she said "let me go. isn't it about time you moved on?" in my mind.I saw she was doing well and all-in-all, I'm not doing so bad myself. Every once in a while, I run the things she never said over an...
Posted by ralpho on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 11:26:00 PST

we were...

I dreamt about you again last night. It was a short dream that included Dr. Mario and a welcome home kiss. The words "baby" and "bubbies" were uttered and floral skirts were donned. I miss those da...
Posted by ralpho on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 02:05:00 PST

She Wears a Red Sox Cap...

It mostly seems unattainable. I base goals and needs off movie scripts, camera angles, and descriptive paragraphs in favorite novels. Like the laundromat scene in "40 Days and 40 Nights," or the inde...
Posted by ralpho on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 08:34:00 PST

In Good Company.

On with the second verse:Let's walk downtown like the normal couples do. Hand-in-hand, lips-to-lips (I know why you quivver). We can run through crosswalks for no reason and recite words from choruse...
Posted by ralpho on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 09:22:00 PST

Because it's Important: "These Days."

My entries tend to all be the same these days. Boston, Melissa, Buffett, Like Courtesy...over and over. I also seem to be blowing off friends more and more as of recent. I just don't answer phone call...
Posted by ralpho on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 08:53:00 PST

"Thumbs Up, Mike Utley"

i've been writing some really incredible things for "like courtesy." it seems that my music writing tends to come in spurts. the first real spurt came when i was living in new baltimore after the dem...
Posted by ralpho on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 11:14:00 PST

A Band Called "Creation"

i sprained my ankle a total of 8 (eight) times last summer. EIGHT.well, this year is a new year and last night was sprain number one.let's try and cut it down by half this year okay? okay....
Posted by ralpho on Fri, 19 May 2006 06:19:00 PST