Watching the Bobsleighing!
Being in/by the sea
Being at the top of a fiendish mountain
Being in the Lake District
Partying with my friends and dancing all night
Big beasty rollercoasters
Bowling with big groups makes me giggle
Music that reminds me of people and good times mainy.
Isnt She Lovely and Fishing makes me think of Becky...
But then Fishing makes me think of being in Wales with Tom too. Dice makes me think of him.
My thoughts of James are inspired with "Aint No Stoppng Us Now!" Lol. Disco classic!
Any musical or Wicked song is Salvo straight off!
F.R.I.E.N.D.S...So I know every word to every episode? Sue me! I'm happy being a loser haha!
Mighty Boosh-Its fantastically bizarre and I love watching peoples faces change to utter confusion if they watch it/hear me talk bout it!
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte, A Gathering Light - Jennifer Donnelly.
Becky- She co-created the ledge that is Bertha...ther4 I guess Berth is my hero too...the big fittie! Ha!