Howdy!! About me... erm....Massive music fan, retail management monkey, loyal friend and down to earth lancs lad. Sort of addicted to this myspace bollocks!!! Apparently I like small furry animals, bordering on fetish (this so isnt true!!!!!.....actually....maybe!!)Fave, films, surreal humourThings I dislike...cgi, arrogance, chavs, butter/margarine and mayonaise ewwwww!!!Favourite times....growing up, having my dad around, spoilt with toys as a kid, the 90s and festivals, MVC and having money to drink nearly every day!! 2007 and its adventures.Least favourite times....the day my dad passed on and subsequent couple of years, later secondary school (hated it!!)Things I miss the most....80s album sleeve artwork, toys, money to drink every day, old skool filmaking, Ray Harryhausen special effects (Talos from jason and the argonauts and the cyclops from Sinbad... Cmon! how can you get better than that?!!!) music shops.People I miss the most....I miss all my friends when I dont spend enough time, my family then and now and Jen in NYC.Things I am glad to have BA(Hons), travelled to some great countries and festivals. Met some fantastic people.What I want to achieve....A career where I actually feel secure n happy, be in a happy relationship, to travel to more interesting countries.
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