Visions of the Emerald Cry.. profile picture

Visions of the Emerald Cry..

So silently, I tend to dream an everlasting masterpiece to breathe life to all it places its gift up

About Me

In an abstract state of mind, the painter sighs in relief. She steps back to observe the world she has created for herself. Color. Color is her main attraction. Yet among her eyes she finds a simple sign of truth. A state of black and white releases from her canvas. Oh, how the days are numbered to find all the questions she may not see. A transformation soon occurs. Soon, I am awaked by the light and left with images within my mind. I quickly set myself back to sleep...I remember this. Yes. It is clear to my memory. The pathway,the canvas, but where is the color? I peek around the brick walls, which were once a burnt orange. The silence is piercing to a scream, a faint one at that. This doesn't connect. Something is missing. I don't have long before the light prys my eyelids once again. I follow the silence around the corners, and down past the meadow. I remember this meadow. It seemed so amber before, yet a faded ivory at this moment. I am alone. Alone and puzzled to what I am searching for. The journey seems endless. I stop to catch my breath as I look over to the horizon. It is almost time. As I begin to grasp my failure, a sudden sense of devotion enters from behind my mortality. I touch my hands upon the surface of the earth. I silently watch as the vibrations exit my palms and feed the life under. "Quickly", I think to myself, "The sun is almost at its full circle." The flowers begin to take their form with petals of light jade. The trees, embrace their forest green, and soon the brick is a deep olive.In an abstract state of mind, I sigh in relief. I step back to observe the world I have created for myself. Color. Color is my main attraction, yet it is different from what was in the memories before. This is my color of the life inside me. This is my calling, my artifice mentality. This is my perspective of my world, through my eyes. These are my paintings, these are my words. These are my Visions of the Emerald Cry....... ..
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My Interests

writing, painting, singing, helping bands with artwork for advertisment, traveling, reading, playing guitar, deep intellegent conversations, finding the impossible, analiyzing everything, cleaning (yes, I like to clean. I get it from my mother.) going to concerts, spending time outside, sleeping, walking in the rain, watching storms, Europe, questioning God and the beyond,seting goals, being in love.

I'd like to meet:

I love meeting open minded people. I love diversity and learning how others think. I love artistic and musical beings. I like people that can talk to me about things greater then what we see infront of our eyes.


My favorite bands are TOOL and A Perfect Circle, I am a HUGE Maynard James Keenan fan, Mudvayne, Incubus, love Portishead, Sevendust, Pink Floyd, Flaw, King Crimson, Deftones,I'm also into anything cultural, and I definately support local musicians.


The Never Ending Story, Saw and Saw 2, Seven, Butterfly Effect, Wizard of Oz, The Laberenth, Monster


I usually don't watch tv unless it is the news. I like to know what is going on in the world, even though 99% of the time it is heartbreaking to know.


cultural diversity, traveling, art, music,poetry, love, science,anatomy,and religion. Anything to expand my mind.Get premade layouts from Myspace Layouts +


I consider my mother as a hero. She is exceedingly generous, even though sometimes she knows she truly shouldn't be. She will bend over backwards to make sure her children are happy in life and she does everything she can to see that we succeed. The number one hero in my life is God. He has saved me when I have been at my worst, and he has helped me regain strength, even though at some points, I didn't deserve it. I love my life and I had to go through some bad memories to get to the good, but God guided me and helped me learn from it all.

My Blog


Shall we take a walk together? Just you and I in the storm? Yes, it may be thundering, and lightening could strike us, but I feel we can make it. Look over  the trees. Can you see the mounta...
Posted by Visions of the Emerald Cry.. on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 02:09:00 PST

Constant Forever...

 These  four walls show my weakness. Place me in a circled room so I can continuously wonder where I am going.  Place me in a constant forever so I shall never have the doubt ...
Posted by Visions of the Emerald Cry.. on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 07:46:00 PST

"Borrow the hours of which forth must come..."

" This eternal vision makes all within, turn everything backwards, and face down into my reality. Such colors of your typography which I have seen with my eyelids shut, are far beyond a simple answer....
Posted by Visions of the Emerald Cry.. on Thu, 25 May 2006 11:12:00 PST

Through the Vocals...

 In an instant whisper, the voice is heard once again. Such a long and dreary road, although, so worth the wait. Kiss me good-bye no more. I can hear you once again without the sight of seeing yo...
Posted by Visions of the Emerald Cry.. on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 03:19:00 PST


Once upon a time, 5 discs were placed from one band for each finger. Each finger soon formed together to make one hand. The hand felt the hunger to reach for another like its own. Within time, 4 eyes ...
Posted by Visions of the Emerald Cry.. on Wed, 05 Apr 2006 11:36:00 PST

"Birth of Begining"

Sunday, March 13, 2005 They came upon  a ridged corner, and fell among the sand. The two combined with one another, and held  eachothers hand.  One heart began to sing emotions;&nb...
Posted by Visions of the Emerald Cry.. on Sun, 05 Feb 2006 12:36:00 PST

"Overthrow the Devils..."

Tuesday, November 30, 2004 What is this world comming to?  Everyone seems to be so wrapped up in theirselves. Does anyone really care about others anymore?  Others that are outside...
Posted by Visions of the Emerald Cry.. on Mon, 16 Jan 2006 01:19:00 PST