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don ray


About Me

Donald Ray .........just tryin to hurry and do this time so that i can cum home to tha one that really loves me. time to grow up and be a real man and get off this fake bullshit. got to make a complete 360 on these mothafuckas cuz locked up and wat it do.
A-2-Z About Me Survey by bamachic49
Name: Don Ray
Nickname(s): Kutt
Age: 26
Birthday: 06-25-80
Birthplace: Cali
Current Location: Denton County Jail
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Height: 6"6
Weight: ??
Lefty or Righty: righty
Zodiac Sign: cancer
What Do You Drive: Nothin
Screenname: free don ray
Color: red
Number: ?
Band: cash money
Music Genre: rap
TV Show: law n order
Movie: boyz in tha hood
Actor: ?
Actress: ?
Kind of Movie: action
Cartoon: ?
Sport: basketball
Fast Food Restaurant: wataburger
Food: steak
Ice Cream: butterfinger
Cereal: ?
Candy: ?
Drink: bud ice
Alcoholic Beverage: vodka
Quote: money ova bitches
{---Do You---}
Have any siblings: yes
Have any pets: no
Have a job: no
Have a cellphone: no
Have any special talents or skills: can cook "everything"
Have any fears: no
Have a bedtime: no
Sing in the shower: no
Want to go to college: one day
Get along with your parents: yes
Have any piercings: no
Have any tattoos: yes
Swear: yes
Smoke: yes
Drink: yes
Do Drugs: ??
{---Love & All That Crap---}
Ever been in love: yes
Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: yes
Are you single: no
Are you in a relationship: yes
Do you have a crush on someone: no
Ever been dumped: no
Ever dumped someone: yes
{---This or That---}
Fruit or Vegetable: fruit
Black or White: black
Lights On or Lights Off: off
TV or Movie: movie
Car or Truck: car
Cash or Check: cash
Rock or Rap: rap
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
French Toast or French Fries: fries
Strawberries or Blueberries: straberries
Cookies or Muffins: cookies
Winter Break or Spring Break: spring break
Hugs or Kisses: kisses
{---Have You Ever---}
Danced in a public place: yes
Smiled for no reason: yes
Laughed so hard you cried: no
Talked to someone you don't know: yes
Drank alcohol: yes
Done drugs: yes
Partied 'til the sun came up: yes
Gotten a ticket: yes
Been arrested: yes
Been convicted of a crime: yes
Been in a wreck: no
Been out of the country: no
{---Random & Silly Junk---}
Are you a virgin: no
Ever TP'd someone's house: no
Ever egged someone's house: no
How many languages do you speak: 1
Who do you compare yourself to: no one
Ever regret anything: yes
Do you like being tickled: no
What are your goals: get out of jail soon
Are your fingers tired: no
Are you tired of this survey: yes
Are you happy: yes
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